Thursday, July 10, 2008

San Francisco...home to bison, puppies, and places to mingle.

So, I'm in San Francisco right now.  It's about 80 degrees, no humidity, and I'm kind of wondering why I don't live here full time.  Since I was in Frisco last summer, I've basically done all the touristy things you can do.  So, I've decided to just trek a bit.  I walked through Golden Gate Park yesterday on my way to the beach.  This ended up being a 3 hour jaunt, as I got lost multiple times.  What a great park!  They have everything there!  Everything.  I saw plants from every continent, a golf course, a wind mill, a Japanese tea garden, tennis courts, and even bison!  Bison!!!  They have massive buffalos running around this one area.  Who'd a thunk it?

Anyway, I finally landed on the beach where I proceeded to zone out for a few hours.  I was interrupted by some puppies t
hat I about put in my bag as souvenirs.  The owner, in hot pursuit, didn't like that idea.  Oh, and while on the beach, I began reading this guide book Will gave me.  It's a guide book for people without jobs in San Fran.  Perfect!  
It's a pretty interesting book.  For instance, I learned where to buy the best drugs and which grocery stores were the best to hook up with people.  Apparently, being without a job means you have more sexual encounters and you do more drugs.  I was astonished at how many places (parks, ally ways, monuments, bushes) thi
s book listed as hot-spots for this type of activity.  Let's just say that as a straight male, I will NOT be reading my morning paper behind the benches in Buena Vista Park anymore.  

Below is a cool monument that I saw (probably another gay rendez-vous spot?).  On the theme of gravestones, I thought this would make a great one.  Oh the power!   Also, I took a picture at the beach of this mountainous thing erupting from the Pacific Ocean (at the top of the post)  I think it's Mount Everest.  OK, time to get back on the unbeaten tourist trail.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've been to ALL those "hot-spot" parks, ally ways, monuments, and bushes in san fran you're talking about. Fun!!! The statue is a bit familiar... was probably preoccupied with other things to notice how cool it was.