Friday, July 11, 2008

"The coldest winter I ever saw was the summer I spent in San Francisco."

Mark Twain, no words are more true my good man.  Though a balmy 75 degrees today, coming from the humidity-filled, sweat-soaked 95 degree temps of the swamp that is Washington, D.C., I'm still getting used to how cold it is here.  That being said, yesterday I took a boat over to Angel Island, the so-called Ellis Island of the west coast.  I kid you not, it was about 40 degrees on the bay...and people were sailing!  I couldn't believe it.  The great part was the immigration station (the main attraction, err...only attraction on the island) was closed.  So, I decided to rent a bike and trek the 6 miles around the island.  They were closed.  So, I decided to hike to the island's summit, Mt. Livermore.  And by mountain, they really mean hill.  But, there were great views and I took it upon myself to take pictures of myself, for your viewing pleasure, obviously.  Sort of hard to take pictures of yourself when you're alone on the top of a mountain, but I tried!  

And, the other pictures I took yesterday were generally random things I saw in San Francisco, which may be the weirdest people watching city on the planet.  I've been to Frisco before, so I decided I'm not going to relive those tourist things again.  I saw a bar called Ho's.  Took a picture of that.  I kid you not there was a massage parlor above it.  And, no, I did not visit either.  The other event I took a picture of was these two dudes in a park.  I spent about an hour eating pizza and watching these Rastafarian-looking guys do thai chi or martial artsy things on a basketball court.  At one point, they had samari swords and were "play fighting."  They did not mind that I played paparazzi because they kept doing what they were doing.  I did find it interesting that a guy who lives out of a shopping cart had 2 massive swords with him.  

The last picture I took was the gas prices.  Glad I'm not driving.  

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